Pynng’s core functionality

At the heart of pynng is the pynng.Socket. It takes no positional arguments, and all keyword arguments are optional. It is the Python version of nng_socket.

The Socket


You should never instantiate a pynng.Socket directly. Rather, you should instantiate one of the subclasses.

class pynng.Socket(*, listen=None, dial=None, **kwargs)

Open a socket with one of the scalability protocols. This should not be instantiated directly; instead, one of its subclasses should be used. There is one subclass per protocol. The available protocols are:

The socket initializer receives no positional arguments. It accepts the following keyword arguments, with the same meaning as the attributes described below: recv_timeout, send_timeout, recv_buffer_size, send_buffer_size, reconnect_time_min, reconnect_time_max, and name

To talk to another socket, you have to either dial() its address, or listen() for connections. Then you can send() to send data to the remote sockets or recv() to receive data from the remote sockets. Asynchronous versions are available as well, as asend() and arecv(). The supported event loops are asyncio and Trio. You must ensure that you close() the socket when you are finished with it. Sockets can also be used as a context manager; this is the preferred way to use them when possible.

Sockets have the following attributes. Generally, you should set these attributes before listen()-ing or dial()-ing, or by passing them in as keyword arguments when creating the Socket:

  • recv_timeout (int): Receive timeout, in ms. If a socket takes longer than the specified time, raises a pynng.exceptions.Timeout. Corresponds to library option NNG_OPT_RECVTIMEO
  • send_timeout (int): Send timeout, in ms. If the message cannot be queued in the specified time, raises a pynng.exceptions.Timeout. Corresponds to library option NNG_OPT_SENDTIMEO.
  • recv_max_size (int): The largest size of a message to receive. Messages larger than this size will be silently dropped. A size of 0 indicates unlimited size. The default size is 1 MB.
  • recv_buffer_size (int): The number of messages that the socket will buffer on receive. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_RECVBUF.
  • send_buffer_size (int): The number of messages that the socket will buffer on send. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_SENDBUF.
  • name (str): The socket name. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_SOCKNAME. This is useful for debugging purposes.
  • raw (bool): A boolean, indicating whether the socket is raw or cooked. Returns True if the socket is raw, else False. This property is read-only. Corresponds to library option NNG_OPT_RAW. For more information see nng’s documentation. Note that currently, pynng does not support raw mode sockets, but we intend to in the future:
  • protocol (int): Read-only option which returns the 16-bit number of the socket’s protocol.
  • protocol_name (str): Read-only option which returns the name of the socket’s protocol.
  • peer (int): Returns the peer protocol id for the socket.
  • local_address: The SockAddr representing the local address. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_LOCADDR.
  • reconnect_time_min (int): The minimum time to wait before attempting reconnects, in ms. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_RECONNMINT. This can also be overridden on the dialers.
  • reconnect_time_max (int): The maximum time to wait before attempting reconnects, in ms. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_RECONNMAXT. If this is non-zero, then the time between successive connection attempts will start at the value of reconnect_time_min, and grow exponentially, until it reaches this value. This option can be set on the socket, or on the dialers associated with the socket.
  • recv_fd (int): The receive file descriptor associated with the socket. This is suitable to be passed into poll functions like select.poll() or That is the only thing this file descriptor is good for; do not attempt to read from or write to it. The file descriptor will be marked as readable whenever it can receive data without blocking. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_RECVFD.
  • send_fd (int): The sending file descriptor associated with the socket. This is suitable to be passed into poll functions like select.poll() or That is the only thing this file descriptor is good for; do not attempt to read from or write to it. The file descriptor will be marked as readable whenever it can send data without blocking. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_SENDFD.


When used in select.poll() or, recv_fd and send_fd are both marked as readable when they can receive or send data without blocking. So the upshot is that for they should be passed in as the rlist and for select.poll.register() the eventmask should be POLLIN.

  • tls_config (TLSConfig): The TLS configuration for this socket. This option is only valid if the socket is using the TLS transport. See TLSConfig for information about the TLS configuration. Corresponds to NNG_OPT_TLS_CONFIG. This option is write-only.
await arecv()

The asynchronous version of recv()

await arecv_msg()

Asynchronously receive the Message msg on the socket.

await asend(data)

Asynchronous version of send().

dial(address, *, block=None)

Dial the specified address.

  • address – The address to dial.
  • block

    Whether to block or not. There are three possible values this can take:

    1. If True, a blocking dial is attempted. If it fails for any reason, the dial fails and an exception is raised.
    2. If False, a non-blocking dial is started. The dial is retried periodically in the background until it is successful.
    3. (Default behavior): If None, a blocking dial is first attempted. If it fails an exception is logged (using the Python logging module), then a non-blocking dial is done.
listen(address, flags=0)

Listen at specified address.

listener and flags usually do not need to be given.


Return a new Context for this socket.


Receive data on the socket. If the request times out the exception pynng.Timeout is raised. If the socket cannot perform that operation (e.g., a Pub0, which can only send()), the exception pynng.NotSupported is raised.

Parameters:block – If block is True (the default), the function will not return until the operation is completed or times out. If block is False, the function will return data immediately. If no data is ready on the socket, the function will raise pynng.TryAgain.

Receive a Message on the socket.


Sends data (either bytes or bytearray) on socket.

Feel free to peruse the examples online, or ask in the gitter channel.

Available Protocols

class pynng.Pair0(**kwargs)

A socket for bidrectional, one-to-one communication, with a single partner. The Python version of nng_pair0.

This is the most basic type of socket. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes.

This demonstrates the synchronous API:

from pynng import Pair0
address = 'tcp://'
# in real code you should also pass recv_timeout and/or send_timeout
with Pair0(listen=address) as s0, Pair0(dial=address) as s1:
    s0.send(b'hello s1')
    print(s1.recv())  # prints b'hello s1'
    s1.send(b'hi old buddy s0, great to see ya')
    print(s0.recv())  # prints b'hi old buddy s0, great to see ya

This demonstrates the asynchronous API using Trio. Remember that asyncio is also supported.

from trio import run
from pynng import Pair0

async def send_and_recv():
    address = 'tcp://'
    # in real code you should also pass recv_timeout and/or send_timeout
    with Pair0(listen=address) as s0, Pair0(dial=address) as s1:
        await s0.asend(b'hello s1')
        print(await s1.arecv())  # prints b'hello s1'
        await s1.asend(b'hi old buddy s0, great to see ya')
        print(await s0.arecv())  # prints b'hi old buddy s0, great to see ya

class pynng.Pair1(*, polyamorous=False, **kwargs)

A socket for bidrectional communication with potentially many peers. The Python version of nng_pair1.

It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. It also has one extra keyword-only argument, polyamorous, which must be set to True to connect with more than one peer.


If you want to connect to multiple peers you must pass polyamorous=True when you create your socket. polyamorous is a read-only attribute of the socket and cannot be changed after creation.


Pair1 was an experimental feature in nng, and is currently deprecated. It will likely be removed in the future; see nng’s docs for details.

To get the benefits of polyamory, you need to use the methods that work with Message objects: Socket.recv_msg() and Socket.arecv_msg() for receiving, and Pipe.send() and Pipe.asend() for sending.

Here is an example of the synchronous API, where a single listener connects to multiple peers. This is more complex than the Pair0 case, because it requires to use the Pipe and Message interfaces.

from pynng import Pair1

address = 'tcp://'
with Pair1(listen=address, polyamorous=True) as s0, \
        Pair1(dial=address, polyamorous=True) as s1, \
        Pair1(dial=address, polyamorous=True) as s2:
    s1.send(b'hello from s1')
    s2.send(b'hello from s2')
    msg1 = s0.recv_msg()
    msg2 = s0.recv_msg()
    print(msg1.bytes)  # prints b'hello from s1'
    print(msg2.bytes)  # prints b'hello from s2'
    msg1.pipe.send(b'hey s1')
    msg2.pipe.send(b'hey s2')
    print(s2.recv())  # prints b'hey s2'
    print(s1.recv())  # prints b'hey s1'

And here is an example using the async API, using Trio.

from pynng import Pair1
import trio

async def polyamorous_send_and_recv():
    address = 'tcp://'
    with Pair1(listen=address, polyamorous=True) as s0, \
            Pair1(dial=address, polyamorous=True) as s1, \
            Pair1(dial=address, polyamorous=True) as s2:
        await s1.asend(b'hello from s1')
        await s2.asend(b'hello from s2')
        msg1 = await s0.arecv_msg()
        msg2 = await s0.arecv_msg()
        print(msg1.bytes)  # prints b'hello from s1'
        print(msg2.bytes)  # prints b'hello from s2'
        await msg1.pipe.asend(b'hey s1')
        await msg2.pipe.asend(b'hey s2')
        print(await s2.arecv())  # prints b'hey s2'
        print(await s1.arecv())  # prints b'hey s1'
class pynng.Req0(*, resend_time=None, **kwargs)

A req0 socket.

The Python version of nng_req. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. It also has one extra keyword-argument: resend_time. resend_time corresponds to NNG_OPT_REQ_RESENDTIME

A Req0 socket is paired with a Rep0 socket and together they implement normal request/response behavior. the req socket send()s a request, the rep socket recv()s it, the rep socket send()s a response, and the req socket recv()s it.

If a req socket attempts to do a recv() without first doing a send(), a pynng.BadState exception is raised.

A Req0 socket supports opening multiple Contexts by calling new_context(). In this way a req socket can have multiple outstanding requests to a single rep socket. Without opening a Context, the socket can only have a single outstanding request at a time.

Here is an example demonstrating the request/response pattern.

from pynng import Req0, Rep0

address = 'tcp://'

with Rep0(listen=address) as rep, Req0(dial=address) as req:
    question = rep.recv()
    answer = b'4'  # guaranteed to be random
    print(req.recv())  # prints b'4'
class pynng.Rep0(**kwargs)

A rep0 socket.

The Python version of nng_rep. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes.

A Rep0 socket along with a Req0 socket implement the request/response pattern: the req socket send()s a request, the rep socket recv()s it, the rep socket send()s a response, and the req socket recv()s it.

A Rep0 socket supports opening multiple Contexts by calling new_context(). In this way a rep socket can service multiple requests at the same time. Without opening a Context, the rep socket can only service a single request at a time.

See the documentation for Req0 for an example.

class pynng.Pub0(**kwargs)

A pub0 socket.

The Python version of nng_pub. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. A Pub0 socket calls send(), the data is published to all connected subscribers.

Attempting to recv() with a Pub0 socket will raise a pynng.NotSupported exception.

See docs for Sub0 for an example.

class pynng.Sub0(**kwargs)

A sub0 socket.

The Python version of nng_sub. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. It also has one additional keyword argument: topics. If topics is given, it must be either a str, bytes, or an iterable of str and bytes.

A subscriber must subscribe() to specific topics, and only messages that match the topic will be received. A subscriber can subscribe to as many topics as you want it to.

A match is determined if the message starts with one of the subscribed topics. So if the subscribing socket is subscribed to the topic b'hel', then the messages b'hel', b'help him and b'hello' would match, but the message b'hexagon' would not. Subscribing to an empty string (b'') means that all messages will match. If a sub socket is not subscribed to any topics, no messages will be receieved.


pub/sub is a “best effort” transport; if you have a very high volume of messages be prepared for some messages to be silently dropped.

Attempting to send() with a Sub0 socket will raise a pynng.NotSupported exception.

The following example demonstrates a basic usage of pub/sub:

import time
from pynng import Pub0, Sub0, Timeout

address = 'tcp://'
with Pub0(listen=address) as pub, \
        Sub0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as sub0, \
        Sub0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as sub1, \
        Sub0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as sub2, \
        Sub0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as sub3:

    # The empty string matches everything!
    # we're going to send two messages before receiving anything, and this is
    # the only socket that needs to receive both messages.
    sub2.recv_buffer_size = 2
    # sub3 is not subscribed to anything
    # make sure everyone is connected

    pub.send(b'puppy: that is a cute dog')
    pub.send(b'wolf: that is a big dog')

    print(sub0.recv())  # prints b'wolf...' since that is the matching message
    print(sub1.recv())  # prints b'puppy...' since that is the matching message

    # sub2 will receive all messages (since empty string matches everything)
    print(sub2.recv())  # prints b'puppy...' since it was sent first
    print(sub2.recv())  # prints b'wolf...' since it was sent second

        assert False, 'never gets here since sub3 is not subscribed'
    except Timeout:
        print('got a Timeout since sub3 had no subscriptions')


Subscribe to the specified topic.

Topics are matched by looking at the first bytes of any received message.


If you pass a str as the topic, it will be automatically encoded with str.encode(). If this is not the desired behavior, just pass bytes in as the topic.


Unsubscribe to the specified topic.


If you pass a str as the topic, it will be automatically encoded with str.encode(). If this is not the desired behavior, just pass bytes in as the topic.

class pynng.Push0(**kwargs)

A push0 socket.

The Python version of nng_push. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes.

A Push0 socket is the pushing end of a data pipeline. Data sent from a push socket will be sent to a single connected Pull0 socket. This can be useful for distributing work to multiple nodes, for example. Attempting to call recv() on a Push0 socket will raise a pynng.NotSupported exception.

Here is an example of two Pull0 sockets connected to a Push0 socket.

import time

from pynng import Push0, Pull0, Timeout

addr = 'tcp://'
with Push0(listen=addr) as push, \
        Pull0(dial=addr, recv_timeout=100) as pull0, \
        Pull0(dial=addr, recv_timeout=100) as pull1:
    # give some time to connect
    push.send(b'hi some node')
    push.send(b'hi some other node')
    print(pull0.recv())  # prints b'hi some node'
    print(pull1.recv())  # prints b'hi some other node'
        assert False, "Cannot get here, since messages are sent round robin"
    except Timeout:

class pynng.Pull0(**kwargs)

A pull0 socket.

The Python version of nng_pull. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes.

A Pull0 is the receiving end of a data pipeline. It needs to be paired with a Push0 socket. Attempting to send() with a Pull0 socket will raise a pynng.NotSupported exception.

See Push0 for an example of push/pull in action.

class pynng.Surveyor0(**kwargs)

A surveyor0 socket.

The Python version of nng_surveyor. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. It has one additional attribute: survey_time. survey_time sets the amount of time a survey lasts.

Surveyor0 sockets work with Respondent0 sockets in the survey pattern. In this pattern, a surveyor sends a message, and gives all respondents a chance to chime in. The amount of time a survey is valid is set by the attribute survey_time. survey_time is the time of a survey in milliseconds.

Here is an example:

from pynng import Surveyor0, Respondent0, Timeout

import time

address = 'tcp://'

with Surveyor0(listen=address) as surveyor, \
        Respondent0(dial=address) as responder1, \
        Respondent0(dial=address) as responder2:
    # give time for connections to happen
    surveyor.survey_time = 500
    surveyor.send(b'who wants to party?')
    # usually these would be in another thread or process, ya know?
    responder1.send(b'me me me!!!')
    responder2.send(b'I need to sit this one out.')

    # accept responses until the survey is finished.
    while True:
            response = surveyor.recv()
            if response == b'me me me!!!':
                print('all right, someone is ready to party!')
            elif response == b'I need to sit this one out.':
                print('Too bad, someone is not ready to party.')
        except Timeout:
            print('survey is OVER!  Time for bed.')

class pynng.Respondent0(**kwargs)

A respondent0 socket.

The Python version of nng_respondent. It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes. It accepts no additional arguments and has no other attributes

Surveyor0 sockets work with Respondent0 sockets in the survey pattern. In this pattern, a surveyor sends a message, and gives all respondents a chance to chime in. The amount of time a survey is valid is set by the attribute survey_time. survey_time is the time of a survey in milliseconds.

See Surveyor0 docs for an example.

class pynng.Bus0(**kwargs)

A bus0 socket. The Python version of nng_bus.

It accepts the same keyword arguments as Socket and also has the same attributes.

A Bus0 socket sends a message to all directly connected peers. This enables creating mesh networks. Note that messages are only sent to directly connected peers. You must explicitly connect all nodes with the listen() and corresponding listen() calls.

Here is a demonstration of using the bus protocol:

import time

from pynng import Bus0, Timeout

address = 'tcp://'
with Bus0(listen=address, recv_timeout=100) as s0, \
        Bus0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as s1, \
        Bus0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100) as s2:
    # let all connections be established
    s0.send(b'hello buddies')
    s1.recv()  # prints b'hello buddies'
    s2.recv()  # prints b'hello buddies'
    s1.send(b'hi s0')
    print(s0.recv())  # prints b'hi s0'
    # s2 is not directly connected to s1.
        assert False, "this is never reached"
    except Timeout:
        print('s2 is not connected directly to s1!')


class pynng.Pipe(...)

A “pipe” is a single connection between two endpoints. This is the Python version of nng_pipe.

There is no public constructor for a Pipe; they are automatically added to the underlying socket whenever the pipe is created.

await asend(data)

Asynchronously send bytes from this Pipe.


Synchronously send bytes from this Pipe. This method automatically creates a Message, associates with this pipe, and sends it with this pipe’s associated Socket.


class pynng.Context(...)

This is the Python version of nng_context. The way to create a Context is by calling Socket.new_context(). Contexts are valid for Req0 and Rep0 sockets; other protocols do not support contexts.

Once you have a context, you just call send() and recv() or the async equivalents as you would on a socket.

A “context” keeps track of a protocol’s state for stateful protocols (like REQ/REP). A context allows the same Socket to be used for multiple operations at the same time. For an example of the problem that contexts are solving, see this snippet, which does not use contexts, and does terrible things:

# start a socket to service requests.
# in fact it's so bad it causes a panic in nng right now (2019/02/09):
# see
import pynng
import threading

def service_reqs(s):
    while True:
        data = s.recv()
        s.send(b"I've got your response right here, pal!")

threads = []
with pynng.Rep0(listen='tcp://') as s:
    for _ in range(10):
        t = threading.Thread(target=service_reqs, args=[s], daemon=True)

    for thread in threads:

Contexts allow multiplexing a socket in a way that is safe. It removes one of the biggest use cases for needing to use raw sockets.

Contexts cannot be instantiated directly; instead, create a Socket, and call the new_context() method.

await arecv()

Asynchronously receive data using this context.

await arecv_msg()

Asynchronously receive a Message on the context.

await asend(data)

Asynchronously send data using this context.


Close this context.


Synchronously receive data on this context.


Synchronously receive a Message using this context.


Synchronously send data on the context.


class pynng.Message(data)

Python interface for nng_msg. Using the Message interface gives more control over aspects of sending the message. In particular, you can tell which Pipe a message came from on receive, and you can direct which Pipe a message will be sent from on send.

In normal usage, you would not create a Message directly. Instead you would receive a message using Socket.recv_msg(), and send a message (implicitly) by using Pipe.send().

Since the main purpose of creating a Message is to send it using a specific Pipe, it is usually more convenient to just use the Pipe.send() or Pipe.asend() method directly.

Messages in pynng are immutable; this is to prevent data corruption.


Access to the message’s underlying data buffer can be accessed with the _buffer attribute. However, care must be taken not to send a message while a reference to the buffer is still alive; if the buffer is used after a message is sent, a segfault or data corruption may (read: will) result.


class pynng.Dialer(...)

The Python version of nng_dialer. A Dialer is returned whenever Socket.dial() is called. A list of active dialers can be accessed via Socket.dialers.

A Dialer is associated with a single Socket. The associated socket can be accessed via the socket attribute. There is no public constructor for creating a Dialer


Close the dialer.


class pynng.Listener(...)

The Python version of nng_listener. A Listener is returned whenever Socket.listen() is called. A list of active listeners can be accessed via Socket.listeners.

A Listener is associated with a single Socket. The associated socket can be accessed via the socket attribute. There is no public constructor for creating a Listener.


Close the listener.


Sockets can make use of the TLS transport on top of TCP by specifying an address similar to how tcp is specified. The following are examples of valid TLS addresses:

  • "tls+tcp:", listening on TCP port 1313 on localhost.
  • "tls+tcp4:", explicitly requesting IPv4 for TCP port 1313 on localhost.
  • "tls+tcp6://[::1]:4433", explicitly requesting IPv6 for IPv6 localhost on port 4433.
class pynng.TLSConfig(...)

TLS Configuration object. This object is used to configure sockets that are using the TLS transport.

  • mode – Must be TLSConfig.MODE_CLIENT or TLSConfig.MODE_SERVER. Corresponds to nng’s mode argument in nng_tls_config_alloc.
  • server_name (str) – When configuring a client, server_name is used to compare the identity of the server’s certificate. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_server_name.
  • ca_string (str) – Set certificate authority with a string. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_ca_chain
  • own_key_string (str) – When passed with own_cert_string, is used to set own certificate. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_own_cert.
  • own_cert_string (str) – When passed with own_key_string, is used to set own certificate. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_own_cert.
  • auth_mode – Set the authentication mode of the connection. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_auth_mode.
  • ca_files (str or list[str]) – ca files to use for the TLS connection. Corresponds to nng_tls_config_ca_file.
  • cert_key_file (str) – Corresponds to nng_tls_config_cert_key_file.
  • passwd (str) – Password used for configuring certificates.

Check the TLS tests for usage examples.